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PubWest Members mentorship program

We strive to connect newer publishing professionals and our long-standing members so that everyone can grow with each other. Our Mentorship Program does just that! We build community and educational opportunities at PubWest together.

The application window for our 2024 May-November program has now closed. We're busy pairing applicants. Remember that this is a members-only program, and once a match is made, our program guidelines call for meeting at least once per month for a minimum of half an hour.
Be sure your membership is up-to-date
– join or renew here!

"I cannot say enough about how helpful this program is. This mentorship program is such a valuable asset and sets PubWest apart as a professional organization. I think the more the program can be expanded, the better it will be for the members."—Kurt Brackob, Histria Books

"It's really wonderful you are doing this. I can't tell you how many times I have thought over the years, 'What I need is a mentor,' and had no idea how to even find someone in publishing. I'm sure there are others like me who are benefiting from this experience."—Carrie Paterson, DoppelHouse Press

Read our guidelines on the commitments involved in the mentorship program and watch our Roundtable discussion on Education & Mentorship below. Please contact our Executive Director with any questions.

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